Friday, July 21, 2006

This in from Helen Lisette...

This in this morning from HL:

"Whilst idly day-dreaming on the tram this morning, listening to Russell
Crowe 'Unleash Hell', an image pervaded my reverie: a fellow commuter wearing an ear-piece that had a blue, flashing LED. I wondered; could Cybus Industries and the alternative universe be closer than we think? At a given signal, was this man going to turn into a metallic killing machine and start marching us all off for an 'upgrade'? Should I be worried, or should I perhaps spend less time watching television and more time listening to Russell?"

I would say there's always room for both...

But she's right: who of us post-Cyberman episodes (whether we liked them or not) doesn't now flinch at bluetooth earpieces? Shudder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I travelled in a taxi a few weeks ago. The driver had a bluetooth earpiece and as I sat behind him it flashed its blue light ominously throughout the journey...