Aw! Thanks alot for the heads up on this site, Ms Rullsenberg. I'm a big fan of this guy, and I really dig in particular the Atomic/Space Age/Cold War/zing! zang! zoom! beatnik /jazz artwork from the early-mid Fifties. This site has entertained me hugely.
Oddly enough I've never read it, though I read a few van Vogt's as a student. In fact i can trace my interest in SF to a friend who lent me an anthology with van Vogt's "The Pendulum" in it saying "You MUST read this". (It is a very good - and very short - story.)
At least you are part of a galactic conflict, not some humble thing kept at home.
Aw! Thanks alot for the heads up on this site, Ms Rullsenberg. I'm a big fan of this guy, and I really dig in particular the Atomic/Space Age/Cold War/zing! zang! zoom! beatnik /jazz artwork from the early-mid Fifties. This site has entertained me hugely.
Oddly enough I've never read it, though I read a few van Vogt's as a student. In fact i can trace my interest in SF to a friend who lent me an anthology with van Vogt's "The Pendulum" in it saying "You MUST read this". (It is a very good - and very short - story.)
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