Monday, May 15, 2006

I told you ages ago that Flightplan was a pile of ca...

But I didn't come up with such a wonderful mocking alternative title as Norm.


Anonymous said...

I can't understand why people didn't like this film - it's an excellent thriller with Jodie Foster, what's not to like? I fear people see it thinking it will be like a Werner Herzog movie, with musings on identity, death and the after-life. This is quite wrong.

JoeinVegas said...

Catflap? Is that a British term?

Matt_c said...

What is it with Foster only doing shit movies now? Taxi Driver - bang. Bugsy Malone - bang. Freaky Friday - bang. Downhill from then on. Panic Room was such a snore-a-thon. Catflap looked like a boring version of Air Force One.