Tuesday, September 13, 2005

MY BLOG BIRTHDAY!!! (oops, I forgot!)

It was only 'cos I clicked on an archive item I just realised it's my blog birthday!

One year ago today I invited people to enter this blog. Look at the chaos I have caused since then: to name just a few things, I've been in the middle of blogwars;I've dug myself into big holes which have allowed Darren to torment me; I've been completely unhelpful to the struggling author in not succumbing to the D.T.; and somehow the site has had just over 7,800 visits [I don't even think they are all mine, though probably a good proportion are].

Thanks for all the support, kind / unkind comments offered (someone is reading me! yeah! - they're not a spammer, bigger yeah!), and most of all for the utterly cool people I have made the acquaintance of during the past year.


John said...

Happy Birthday!! Congratulations and Well Done!

A must-read every day.

(Any birthday wishes from the Duffman yet?)

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

"Sadly" I believe Duffman's lack of blogger ID now prevents him making comments on this blog.

If I feel compassionate at some point I may re-admit anonymous commenting again...

Ta for the congrats though. Cannot believe I almost forgot the birthday!

J.J said...

Congratulations Lisa!
I love your site, pics of Aberdeen and all!

JoeinVegas said...

Yes, birthday - here's a piece of chocolate cake for you.

Kara said...

Happy Birthday, Lisa! Even though I've been slack on writing for my own blog, I still read and enjoy yours everyday.

Imposs1904 said...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging, Lisa. I'm looking forward to your terrible twos. ;-)