Thursday, September 15, 2005


Reality TV with sheep. Heard on BBC Radio 4 news this morning.
Zagreb - Croatia has launched a new reality show on the Internet, starring sheep instead of people.The winner of the 10-day Stado (herd) show, which closes on September 17, will receive poetry in its honour instead of money.

Those voted out of the seven-member herd might be eaten, the Vecernji List daily reported on Wednesday.

The show can be followed 24 hours a day on the website, where visitors can see how the sheep feed and interact with each other.They can then choose which sheep to vote out.
How do you know which sheep to vote out?

I have visions of a sheep being wrongly identified to be dragged out and baa-ing "but I was good! I ate lots of grass, I pooped entertainingly. And my wool looks nothing like hers! You've got the wrong sheep!"

Good job the whole event has been dreamed up by an artist Sinisa Labrovic in order to comment on Big Brother style television...

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