Thursday, February 09, 2006

Did I say how excited I am about Saturday?

I am so excited about going to the blogmeet! I am plotting the clothes to pack and wear, wishing I already owned a digital camera to be able to take shots and see them on the day, and steeling myself for the hairdying (yes, I know I should have done this ages ago but it will at least be more red if I do it closer to the day).


And stripes... I will be wearing stripes...


The Blind-Winger Jones said...

The thought of a blogmeet of any kind makes me want to hide under the bed. I'm frightened the other children will laugh and point.

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

I am so used to people laughing and pointing at me that...

...well, actually I still get upset but it doesn't stop me dressing like a loon...