Saturday, May 04, 2013

All Change...

Over the coming couple of weeks, things are changing.  Furniture being dismantled and assembled.  Things moving around, being cleaned, tidied, repaired.

Incentives are wonderful things: the Roberts are coming...


JoeinVegas said...

Houseguests? Is your place big enough? (if it is, I'll be there myself in a bit)

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Neil's bro, sis-in-law, niece and nephew + dog and two cats - arrive with us next week.

Big enough house? Well we have one bathroom (with now functional showering facilities!) and one toilet. We have three bedrooms and there will be one person having to sleep in the front room. We'll cope. Joe - you would be MOST welcome, though you would have to sleep on a futon bed which I know is not to all tastes! (Can you make it after the Roberts' have left? We may struggle to fit in more bodies!!!!)