Monday, July 16, 2007

Want to hear that scathing commentary on Last of the Time Lords?

The Behind the Sofa crew needs our money!

Woo-hoo! The money has been rolling in it seems (as the above updated link shows).


DraconianOne said...

Hold on... you're into Buffy, you're into Who and yet unless I'm missing something, you've made no mention of the fact that James Marsters is going to be a guest in Torchwood.

Strangerer and strangerer.

Neil Perryman said...

We have been so overwhelmed by the response so far we are even going to throw in The Sound of Drums for free!

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Torchwood is NOT written by Joss Whedon.

Marsters is v. pretty, granted, but he needs decent material.

If I could trust he was gonna get some I'd be more excited.

But yeah, I shoulda said something: how about a qualified "yay?" a la Xander...

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

PS Neil! Woo and indeed hoo!

Can't wait to hear how you deal with that slash-fic phone call between the Master and the Doctor...