Thursday, September 28, 2006

With that voice and manner...

... I can even forgive him the facial fluff.

Goddamn he was lovable!


Neil said...

So, you've watched it then?

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Tum-ti-tum... well I had an hour to kill while I had breakfast and the washing was on ...

Anonymous said...

He really wasn't happy abotu being handed that Orange sash, was he?

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

I have to say my heart fair ached for him in that moment because you just KNEW he was so uncomfortable and yet fighting to stay calm and polite and be the good person that he wanted to be to his hosts.

But you could feel his horror at that symbol, that meant so much to them - to something of his own past as well - but which for him...

Analogously I can empathise. Amongst my dad's paperwork when he died I found his old forces card.

My dad was German.

It can be quite a shock to the system just seeing those symbols on something bearing my dad's name and photograph.

Anna Lowman (annawaits) said...

Mr. Tennant's a bit of a poser, isn't he?! But witty and charming so we'll forgive him.

And yeah, you could sense his unease when he was handed the sash but as you say, he handled it in what is clearly his naturally polite manner.

Anonymous said...

I missed it!