Tuesday, December 26, 2006

You'll be pleased to know...

... the hair is fine, short and red (not streaky, tufty and falling out)

... the cold and cough are passing (albeit that I still choked like a seal through most of our attempts to talk to the rellies in New Zealand yesterday)

... goodies appeared from all corners (including a very fetching long-coat Doctor Who figure...)

... and best of all the TV worked fine after three days of frustratingly gained a high-pitched 'wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' sound after around 40 mins to an hour of being fine. Yesterday my lovely lovely tv that I haven't at all criticised was switched on for Doctor Who and played perfectly all evening. Happy. Just in case it was poorly we did drag out the old portable to the dining room, ready for me to run in at the first sound of 'wwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeee' but that proved unnecessary. Much happy. And whatever anyone says about the Xmas special this year, I loved it. Donna was a pain (she was meant to be and she warmed appropriately); the Doctor was suitably melancholic whenever his thoughts crossed to Rose (broken voice and almost tears); and the villain was spectacular (if a little unscary - and I speak as someone terrified of those creatures. I think I may have been more scared if an actual invasion of them had started to appear before they were disposed of.... you'll have spotted I'm keeping this as spoiler-free as possible for those viewing it later).

Anyway, all good stuff. I'll recuperate accordingly and be back on form for the New Year. I hope. Seasons Greetings to you all!

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