Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Girl, you get the real thing and you STILL do this?

In fact, as she whiles away months of filming in Nova Scotia on Outlander, she will keep a Doctor Who figurine with her for company.

"I make no apology," she giggles. "I'm pretty excited about the fact that my boyfriend has an action doll. How cool is that? Now, all I'm waiting for is for the Doctor Who people to make a Madame de Pompadour doll so I can do a bit of Barbie and Ken action with them ... You know what I'm talking about."
Thanks MediumRob for alerting me to that gem. At least it suggests she's got something in common with the rest of us: we also have to make do with the action figure...


Anonymous said...

I think we probably shouldn't tell Sophia what DT is keeping by the side of his bed while she's in Nova Scotia. Or indeed who. Ahem.

magical_m said...

That's so unfair. She gets the real thing and the action figure.


magical_m said...

Oh and Marie, what IS he keeping by the side of his bed??

Inquiring minds want to know!!

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

I believe that Maries believes that it is she who is by the side of the lovely DT's bed...

...little knowing who's keeping warm in the bed with him of course...
