Thursday, July 12, 2007

Black as night and raining again...

Hot damn, it's turning into a fun summer...


s said...

Apparently it's going to start getting better from next week. As long as it's good in the first weekend in August, I'll be happy!

Rosby said...
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Rosby said...

I suppose that me telling you it's been sunny and boiling here for about three days is going to cheer you up, is it?

Didn't think so. This might, though:

(It's written by the same author who did the Master/Doctor wedding fic. It's bloody hilarious!)

(Oh, and just a warning; it gets a little racy.)

Rosby said...

That first "is" should have been an "isn't".

Emma said...

I bloody know. I'm taking an umbrella with me everywhere I go -what kind of summer is this?!?!

Anna Lowman (annawaits) said...

Rain rain rain all the live-long day. And it's been the same since the week I went to see the White Stripes...

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Ah Rosby: guess what I was reading yesterday before my (long suffering) partner got home...

My name is Lisa Rullsenberg and I am a fan-fiction addict (well, at least over the summer months...)