Friday, July 13, 2007

Marie can fit Kelly MacDonald into her handbag

No, really, she could.

Another fine post from Marie covering - variously - the excellent State of Play, fancying The Master as played by John Simm and written by RTD more than John Simm in other roles, the height of actors (McAvoy is 5' 7") and the consequent dangers of crushing actors at weddings when wearing high platformed shoes.

You have remembered there's a time limit on reading her blog haven't you?

If you want to be able to follow links after Tuesday 17 July 2007, you will need to have emailed her by Monday 16th - that's this coming Monday.


Marie said...

If McAvoy is really 5ft7 I reckon that's including cuban heels and puffy hair.

patrische said...

Bugger, out by a day. Anyway you can contact her and get her to invite me?