Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Argh - history might matter but it would be nice if I had the time to notice!

Today is the 'average everyday write a dairy' day for History Matters.

I intend to write one. Whether the server survives everyone trying to upload is another matter. My main problem will be getting time to write it up!


Marie said...

Did you do it? I did mine, only it was too long, so I ended up having to cut half of it out. What kind of ordinary day can be accurately described in 4000 characters or less is a mystery to me.

Rob said...

You're going to write a dairy (sic)? Sounds a bit cheesy. I bet you'll milk it for all it's worth.

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Doh!!! Ah well, 'dairy' it is...

And yes Marie, what was the limit again 650 words??? that barely describes my morning...