Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Arthur Marwick

I can't believe I missed seeing the obit for Arthur Marwick, but Cloudy Neil has just sent me this little gem from it:

...Arthur became from his undergraduate days at Edinburgh University, a sort of puritan cavalier; immersed in work which he took very seriously, until, his stint in library or archive over, he would sally forth in search of drink and women.
I fondly remember being on an Open University Summer School, where in the past Marwick's behaviour had become legendary. We were looking at Victorian narrative painting, and a Victorian painting depicting Viking soldiers about to enter a house was put up on the slide projector. Barring the absence of a cravat and modern dress, the moustache and pose were pure Marwick and the collected students fell around laughing at their recognition with scarcely any prompting from the sly tutor who chose the image...

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