Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Apparantly I don't exist...

And if you're a female blogger, then you also don't exist.

Shheesh, how can people still get paid for writing this kind of bollihocks?

Thanks to OyeBilly who saved me the trouble of going direct to the Indie website to read this nonsense that female bloggers do not exist (the best read of the story is here, so a hat-tip to patroclus for that).

And wasn't Thursday when the Guardian did its piece on female political bloggers mentioning Antonia Bance? Why can't the media just accept that in all its various forms - blogger, live journal, TypePad etc etc - women DO blog. And that we do it as obsessively and enthusiastically and politically and geekily as anyone else?!


Anonymous said...

I think it's because the ones that get all the attention are run by men.

Whether they get all the attention because they are run by men is another question...

Matt_c said...

You're very prolific for a figment of my imagination. How do I have my life and blog - and have time to come up with all your posts?

I must be a genius.

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

SimonHolyHoses: ah, Basford. Are you one of those who calls it "BASS (as in guitar, or as in "base" of a tree) ford" or "BAS (as in the fish) ford"?

Anyway, I don't drive so not really, though we do pass the broader Basford area occasionally. My folks used to live off Melbourne Road, Aspley and I used to go to Clary College many moons ago, so both ends of Basford are well known to me!

Jo: really? I suppose you are right about the attention thing, but I guess I don't really notice. Someone once asked if I would ever divide my blog into girls and boys lists and I just thought that was the daftest thing ever. I guess it comes down to the same arguments that have raged for centuries about any contribution women make. Are they excluded for being rubbish or because the criteria against which they are measured defines them as rubbish? (Linda Nochlin's "Why have There Been No Great Women Artists?" comes most immediately to mind, but there have been oodles written on this topic...) Of course, you then helpfully get the Germaine Greers wading in as she did in Slip-Shod Sybils writing badly, wrongly, about the quality of women's contributions (in this case, to poetry). So I guess its hardly surprising that we're still at the mercy of such crappy arguments as those proposed by Mary D.

Matt, I'm confused: am I the genius or you? I mean, obviously YOU are, but me...


Anonymous said...

That article's just a load of unfounded statements. And what a sad existence for a woman such as her to not come accross a good enough number of women bloggers; The blogs I've had the most fun reading are by women. And I personally know at least 10 of them!

Billy said...

Thanks for picking up on this and spreading it around. The more people that know about this the better.

[ oh and by the way, I heard some doctor who related news earlier, the link follows: http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2006/07_july/05/agyeman2.shtml ]

Anonymous said...

"Shheesh, how can people still get paid for writing this kind of bollihocks?"

I would like to delve deeper than that and wonder how I can get some of that bollihocks-scribbling cash, too.

Anna Lowman (annawaits) said...

"Did someone just say something?"

You took my joke!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she might get paid for it but hte last laugh is on us women bloggers because our writings are available for everyone to read as long as choose to keep them up there. And hers aren't.

I would say more but my Caveman husband has just demanded his dinner gets cooked and I still haven't posted today's oestrogen reading or chatted vacuously about how all the childmindes round here are Romanian and can't even drive a 4x4. Because idiot-journalists never write thattosh, do they...

Anonymous said...

And she gets a professional copy-checker, too...

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Hey, Gert, fret not, you did see my great typo above didn't ya?!!