Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Weird text

Hmmm. I got this text at 8.17am today:
"He he its way biga than average, half way up my 6 pack so sendi u pic wud shock u at ful mast.Gav"
Sortly followed by:
"Sory fink I mistyped the number then & texted u"

Ya think?!

Note to Cloud: I know you have previously tempted to go to the trouble of setting up fake email accounts just so you can pretend to be certain people emailing me (even if my heart stopped for SPLIT second I did always rumble you quickly - mostly by your inability to not laugh at my momentary panic), but please don't take to getting another phone to text me...


Holly said...

Ha ha!! Thats brilliant, you should have replied!!

Marie said...

I want to see the picture. Tho mayB it wld shok u bcoz he ws lying.

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

I think I am almost grateful my phone is so ancient that it doesn't receive picture attachments....

JoeinVegas said...

Time for a new phone, so you can get the pics. (and plese post them when you do)

Rob said...

I once got a steamy letter from a woman who claimed she couldn't live without me, and telling me when her husband would be away. Unfortunately she was convinced I was some Ricky Saunders who must have lived near me. She'd been ringing my number in the middle of the night for several months as well, despite all my protestations that I wasn't Ricky. I sent her letter back with the suggestion she try to find the right address (and that if I got woken up one more time I'd tell her husband).

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Maybe I should take to calling you Ricky, eh Rob?