Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mil Millington's experience of watching Willow

Cloud just brought me Mil Millington's column on gadgets from yesterday's Guardian Weekend Magazine. Now, we already have an established fondness for MM thanks to this and for being an ex-employee of Wolves Poly library. But this could not help but bring a smile to us. He was testing out a new wristwatch that monitors your pulserate, heartbeat etc. To test it out he watched a certain couple of episodes of Buffy (trust me, there are a lot of images from these two episodes out there!):
the two episodes where Alyson Hannigan appears as leather-wearing Vamp Willow. You know what I'm talking about here, right? I attempted control. OK, my pulse was up - low-60s - but that's not enough to give you away, is it? That's not a telltale heart. Ha! Ha! I'm going to live for ever and I can beat a polygraph. I can pass CIA vetting, dodge a murder rap, and afford to buy short and sell really long.
George, just how many times have you watched those two episodes...? Just a question sent into cyberspace...


JoeinVegas said...

Damn, (sorry) now that you brought it up, looks like I'll have to go out and buy some DVDs of Buffy.
(that wasn't Cloud in the quote, was it?)

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Nah, the quote is definitely Millington...