Sunday, December 11, 2005

Kara's dinner party

Wow: that's highbrow! Kara's dinner parties obviously involve talking. Actual conversation of an intellectual sort, with debate and such.

So I guess it breaks the etiquette or the seriousness of the meme to imagine mounting the guests on the dinner table....? Just me then...


Kara said...

Thanks for the link, Lisa. I guess my party is a bit highbrow, but, trust me, I could come up with a not-so-talkative dinner party too. Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna, Beck and Alex Kapranos come quickly to mind. ;-)

Imposs1904 said...

I guess I'll be elsewhere that night.

JoeinVegas said...

Would that mounting be of the mentioned Cloud, or the poor dear waiter?