Friday, April 25, 2008

I've been earworming...

Oh my, it was fun to write up my earworms of the week.

And ST was really REALLY nice to me! Shucks.

I had a blast. If you fancy passing on your earworms to Swiss Toni for a guest-slot, then I'm sure he won't mind you letting him know...


swisslet said...

It was a genuine pleasure - why would I not be nice to you? Crivens. What kind of a chap do you think I am?

And yes... all welcome if anyone else fancies a go!


Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Awh, thanks. It wasn't I was expecting you to be horrid or anything, but I'm a relative newcomer to your readership so it can feel a bit odd being invited (inviting myself!) to contribute to a well-established slot like the earworming. Loved doing it though!

swisslet said...

I'll look forward to your return slot then....!