Monday, March 20, 2006


TOO MUCH TO DO!!!!! Five days to go!!!!!

Sorry for shouting folks, but the caps indicate my state of mind. I have at least put in for OHPS of the images I need for the BAAS conference. Would be nice if the paper was written to go with them, but you can't have everything...

Yeah, I know, I got distracted by the Clare meme. I'm a naughty girl... not doing what I should be doing... bad, wicked Lisa...


Anonymous said...

Hiya Lisa:
Know the feeling (well, not really lately but felt compelled to make sympathetic clucking sounds!) -- also, had to say, nice new photo!! (old one was fine but this is very flattering...)

Rosby said...

The heaven that is Doctor Who can't start on the 28th - that's a Tuesday. Unless they've moved around the days to confuzzle people.

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Rosby, it's the LAUNCH date... if you fancy taking a jaunt to Cardiff that day I suspect that there will be LOTS going on...

Not as I wish to encourage delinquent skipping off school... dearie me no...

The season itself is POSSIBLY due to start three weeks after --- that makes it Easter Saturday... all being well. So no frets, they ain't moving it to Tuesday!

JoeinVegas said...

Be sure to take lots of pics.