Monday, November 03, 2008

USA future

Many moons ago I was an A level politics students: for our second year we did 1/2 UK politics and 1/2 US. We had an election in the UK in 1983 (just before we started) and an election in the US whilst doing the two year course.

I've been fascinated by US politics ever since.

All of which is by way of saying that the next 48 hours as the US goes to the voting booths - and dear god we hope we won't have another recounting fiasco like 2000 - have got me very nervous.

I dare not believe that Obama has it in the bag, however much it feels momentous and dazzling; the prospect of Palin anywhere near real power scares me far more than words can express; the idea that pollsters could be wrong, so wrong, gives me the shakes.

And on top of this, a man has lost his grandmother, the person who bought him up. And whatever happens next, that loss will bite at Obama and his family for all of his future.

Whichever way you are thinking of voting dear US readers, at least vote. Don't be put off by polls, or queues. Vote.

And change will come. For better or for worse.


Rosby said...

We've hardly done anything on US politics, but this is the first American election I've ever followed from beginning to end - and it's fascinating. The scale never ceases to amaze me; the sheer diversity and size of America forces political campaigns to be larger-than-life (and even inspirational to the most jaded cynic), more so than ours could ever be.

I'm not going to dare say that Obama has won until he does, whether he does. Polls are all well and good, but the balance could easily tip and, just like in 2000, there could easily be some underhand dealings go on on either side.

I haven't completely subscribed to the "saviour" status that so many people have labelled Obama with; I think he's projection of other people's hope, to a certain extent. Having said that, I'm still crossing everything in the hope that he'll win. I'd rather a blank slate than McCain/Palin.

Evil Pixie said...

It is a very scary prospect to have Sarah Palin anywhere near the White House. Even scarier is so many people believe she is representative of a female candidate. While I'm not a staunch supporter of Obama - he is certainly better than four more years of the last eight years. I posted a photo on my blog that sums it up for me.

juramcleod said...

i can only think how crazy the world thinks of us Yanks. I voted last week, and many are happy this is over tomorrw. Its almost a circus now---I get called everyday by one party or another to make sure I voted. Is it 9pm Tuesday yet??

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

juramcleod - my empathies. I can only begin to imagine what it has been like to live in the US and through this level of campaigning for soooooooooooo loooooooooooonnnnnnng.

But it has an impact on so much more than just the US citizens; we don't think the US is crazy.

rosby and pixie: palin ain't going back in the box. THAT scares me, whatever the result.

Jane Henry said...

Ha, Lisa, I SAT my A levels to the dulcet sounds of campaigners in Finchley saying Maggie, Maggie, Maggie, Out! Out! Out! Thank you for taking me back...

Hmm. Have a bit of a problem with Obama as I think he is probably too good to be true, but think it would be fantastic for America (and the world) if they do elect a black president. I think it maybe closer then people think. Don't mind McCain as at least he stands up to his party, but oh dear oh dear. What WAS he thinking employing Palin as his running mate? Big mistake that I think... (Did he REALLY think she'd pull in the female punters. Crikey. That's worrying.)

I do love the US elections, but this one's gone on so long I keep waking up and thinking, What? They STILL haven't voted????

Jane Henry said...

Guess you're a happy bunny this morning, Lisa? Well I was wrong about it being close, but I guess there was more then a whiff of the unstoppable about Barak in the last few days. When McCain had to go on tv making jokes about his running mate you knew he was in trouble...

Jane Henry said...

Guess you're a happy bunny this morning, Lisa? Well I was wrong about it being close, but I guess there was more then a whiff of the unstoppable about Barak in the last few days. When McCain had to go on tv making jokes about his running mate you knew he was in trouble...