Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cyrano on Radio 3

On our way back rom friends on Sunday (a jazz day with mates - what a great way to spend time with people, especially when you can eat so much) we caught Cyrano de Bergerac on Radio 3.

If you get chance to catch this over the next few days on "Listen Again" then I urge you to do so: Branagh makes a wonderful Cyrano. I cried at the end.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Only just back from holiday and won't have time to listen to it tonight before it scrolls off. But I'm a big Branagh fan, and CdB is my all time favourite film (with Gérard Depardieu, and using the Anthony Burgess verse translation - as on R3 - for its subtitles, which is just sublime).