Sunday, August 19, 2007

'Ello peeps!

This is Los Angeles calling!

Thanks to the non-miracle of modern telephony that is the US system, of course my cellphone doesn't work here. Grr. Serves me right to get carried away after texting from NZ last year.

Anyway, here we are at LAX waiting to go two days into the future.

We have had a spiffy time here contrary to many expectations or fears: Hollywood is a stranger mix of tattoo parlours, goth shoops and scientologists. But seeing the Egyptian, Chinese and El Captain cinemas was awesome. Today we have been on Santa Monica beah and it was HOOOTTTTT!!!

Bettr sign off. Will try to be in touch. To those who fretted about me, I'm fine. I even managed to take care of someone in a worse state than me when flying out of Heathrow.

Cheers peeps.


JoeinVegas said...

Ooo - Santa Monica Pier - did you put on a bikini and pretend you were a Baywatch babe?

George said...


Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Awh, bless you George, you do know how to flatter!

Mind, I did see a woman when we walked on the beach at Santa Monica - my build, I would add - who provoked the quote "Holy Boob Job Batman!" in response to her unfeasible physique!