Monday, April 02, 2007

Who reviews

Two - sorry THREE! - more reviews from my favourite people. Sorry that you're having to wait so long on these episodes getting to the USA Joe...

Rosby is back (even if it is just distraction from her essay)! She's now 16 you know, so big happy birthdays to the lovely Rosbyness.

Marie has also written a class-act piece of reviewing and an "I've been good" request surely only the hardest of hearts could denounce:
I'd like to see the Doctor lick something please, and a contrived scenario where he gets wet. Definitely need more glasses action, the hair should continue as is, and if the Doctor isn't going to be Martha's love interest, could you bring in someone sublimely attractive for her to flirt with instead? And for those viewers who don't fancy DT (straight men, young children and the blind) I want some seriously scary villains and please, please, please a storyline that runs over more than two episodes. And more Daleks. Thanks Russell. I have been *very* good this year.
Oh yeah.

And MediumRob of course... even if he was confused by St. Thomas's hospital...


Rob Buckley said...

And me! And me!

JoeinVegas said...

'wants to see him get wet'?

Rob Buckley said...

It's hard understanding the world as I walk around it inside my bubble.